Case Studies

Malahide Viaduct

The cause­way sup­port­ing the pier foun­da­tions for the rail­way viaduct had been sub­ject­ed to sev­er­al pro­grammes of grout­ing. The work spec­i­fi­ca­tion was pre­pared by C.I.E. and a con­stant check had to be kept on the grout lev­els dur­ing injec­tion, to ensure a suf­fi­cient…

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Berth 50 Extension

The works are the exten­sion land­ward of the exist­ing Berth 50 with­in Dublin Port by 50 metres to pro­vide addi­tion­al berthing capac­i­ty with­in a load-on, load-off con­tain­er handling/shipping facil­i­ty. We were sub-con­tract­ed by BAM to install 58 No. 40 metre long…

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Wyattville Bridge

Owing to the increase in traf­fic from the M50 into Dun Laoighaire and the increase of urban devel­op­ment in South Coun­ty Dublin, the inter­change at Wyattville was upgrad­ed. This inter­change facil­i­tates a traf­fic fl ow of 50,000 vehi­cles a day and is the sec­ond busiest…

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Trinity Biosciences, University of Dublin (Trinity College)

This facil­i­ty which is due to open in 2011 will acco­mo­date Trinity’s Insti­tute of Immunol­o­gy, a Cen­tre of Excel­lence in Can­cer Drug Dis­cov­ery, Insti­tute of Neu­ro­science and Trinity’s Bio­engi­neer­ing Cen­tre. Its open­ing will coin­cide with the ter­cente­nary of…

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Portlaoise Shopping Centre

Phase 1 of this project, car­ried out in 2007, required the con­struc­tion of a triple base­ment with a retained height of 13.5 metres. Over most of the site the rock lev­el with­in the base­ment was 3 to 4 metres above for­ma­tion lev­el. Our pro­posed solu­tion was to pro­vide a…

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Mater Hospital

Mater Hos­pi­tal, Dublin P.J. Hegar­ty & Co Ltd were award­ed the enabling works pack­age for the new Children’s Hos­pi­tal. The pack­age of works includ­ed for the demo­li­tion of exist­ing build­ings, the con­struc­tion of the site perime­ter retain­ing walls, and the bulk…

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Criminal Courts of Justice

Crim­i­nal Courts of Jus­tice, Dublin The impres­sive new Crim­i­nal Courts Build­ing is locat­ed in the west side of Dublin City, close to Phoenix Park, where its ele­vat­ed loca­tion gives it a strik­ing posi­tion look­ing down on Dublin City to the East below. The tricky part on…

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George’s Quay, Dublin

George’s Quay, Dublin Whilst the pil­ing works on this site were tech­ni­cal­ly unchal­leng­ing it is one of those con­tracts that we find very pleas­ing to be asso­ci­at­ed with. The build­ing is visu­al­ly very strik­ing and has a fan­tas­tic loca­tion over­look­ing the Riv­er Lif­fey.…

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Aviva Stadium

Avi­va Sta­di­um, Lans­downe Road, Dublin The Avi­va Sta­di­um is a sport­ing sta­di­um locat­ed in Dublin, Ire­land, with a capac­i­ty for 51,700 spec­ta­tors (all seat­ed). The sta­di­um, set in the midst of Dublin’s streets and built on the site of the old Lans­downe Road venue, which…

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Terminal 2, Dublin Airport.

Over the last few years Dublin Air­port has had a num­ber of mod­i­fi­ca­tions and exten­sions to Ter­mi­nal 1. The new Ter­mi­nal 2 with its esti­mat­ed cost of €395M is set to increase the pas­sen­ger han­dling capac­i­ty by 15 mil­lion peo­ple a year. It will become the home of Aer…

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Spencer Dock Re-Development

Before its cur­rent urban regen­er­a­tion Spencer Dock was a 51 acre brown­field site locat­ed on the north side of the Dublin Dock­lands. The site was devel­oped by its own­ers, the Spencer Dock Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny (SDDC) who, along with the Dublin Dock­lands Devel­op­ment…

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