Continuous Flight Auger

Instal­la­tion process CFA piles are formed by drilling a con­tin­u­ous flight auger into the ground. The sides of the hole are sup­port­ed at all times by the soil-filled auger, elim­i­nat­ing the need for tem­po­rary cas­ing or ben­tonite slur­ry. Upon reach­ing the...

Soil nailing

Soil nail­ing has become very pop­u­lar over the past two decades espe­cial­ly in embank­ment sta­bil­i­sa­tion works asso­ci­at­ed with motor­way widen­ing and rail­way embank­ment sta­bil­i­sa­tion. It is espe­cial­ly use­ful for sites with dif­fi­cult access as the...

Rotary Bored Piling

Rotary bored piles dif­fer from CFA piles in that a tem­po­rary cas­ing is installed to sup­port the bore from col­lapse in unsta­ble ground con­di­tions, for exam­ple in super­fi­cial soils. Where cas­ing lengths are short they can be insert­ed as a sin­gle plain...