
Continuous Flight Auger

Instal­la­tion process CFA piles are formed by drilling a con­tin­u­ous flight auger into the ground. The sides of the hole are sup­port­ed at all times by the soil-filled auger, elim­i­nat­ing the need for tem­po­rary cas­ing or ben­tonite slur­ry. Upon reach­ing the required depth,…

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Secant Bored Pile Retaining Walls

This sys­tem involves con­struct­ing inter­lock­ing bored piles to form a con­tin­u­ous con­crete piled wall suit­able for water bear­ing ground con­di­tions. The un-rein­forced pri­ma­ry piles are con­struct­ed first, often using Con­tin­u­ous Flight Auger tech­niques. These piles are…

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Soil nailing

Soil nail­ing has become very pop­u­lar over the past two decades espe­cial­ly in embank­ment sta­bil­i­sa­tion works asso­ci­at­ed with motor­way widen­ing and rail­way embank­ment sta­bil­i­sa­tion. It is espe­cial­ly use­ful for sites with dif­fi­cult access as the drilling and grout­ing…

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Rotary Bored Piling

Rotary bored piles dif­fer from CFA piles in that a tem­po­rary cas­ing is installed to sup­port the bore from col­lapse in unsta­ble ground con­di­tions, for exam­ple in super­fi­cial soils. Where cas­ing lengths are short they can be insert­ed as a sin­gle plain length. Where…

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Restricted Access Mini Piling

For dif­fi­cult access or low head­room sites small pur­pose built pil­ing rigs can be employed. They use either rotary or con­tin­u­ous flight auger tech­niques to suit the pre­vail­ing ground con­di­tions. Using such meth­ods mini piles can be drilled in diam­e­ters from 200mm to…

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Contiguous Bored Pile Retaining Walls

This sys­tem involves con­struct­ing dis­crete piles in a line to form a retain­ing wall. The piles are typ­i­cal­ly spaced out with their cen­tres 150mm greater than their diam­e­ter; for exam­ple, 600mm diam­e­ter piles at 750mm cen­tres. They are drilled with diam­e­ters between…

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King Post Piling

King post pil­ing is an eco­nom­i­cal solu­tion for small and medi­um retained reten­tion sys­tems. The piles are drilled by either rotary or con­tin­u­ous flight auger meth­ods, and a struc­tur­al steel sec­tion intro­duced either before or after con­cret­ing. Infill pan­els are then…

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Since its first use over 150 years ago, the prac­tice of inject­ing cemen­ti­tious grout into voids in stonework or soil has devel­oped into a tech­nique with many wide uses. In civ­il engi­neer­ing today this tech­nique is used to… Strength­en defec­tive struc­tur­al mason­ry and…

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Ground Anchors

This process has devel­oped con­sid­er­ably in recent years, espe­cial­ly with the advent of hol­low stem self-drilling type sys­tems. Using this drilling tech­nique, the hol­low drill rods are drilled into the soil or rock using grout as a flush­ing medi­um and then left in-situ…

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