
P.J. Edwards & Co. Ltd was found­ed in 1972 by Mr Joseph Edwards and ini­tial­ly con­cen­trat­ed on, and became iden­ti­fied with, repairs to mason­ry arch and oth­er bridges using pres­sure grout­ing, gunit­ing etc.

Mr. Joseph Edwards, founder of P.J Edwards & Co

In the late 1970’s it branched out into oth­er geo-tech­ni­cal activ­i­ties includ­ing rock anchor­ing, soil nail­ing, con­crete repairs, micro-pil­ing, under­pin­ning, marine works and ground sta­bil­i­sa­tion.

It quick­ly estab­lished itself to become the lead­ing geo-tech­ni­cal con­trac­tor in the Repub­lic of Ire­land and flour­ished in the ear­ly 1980’s con­cen­trat­ing on the works men­tioned above.

In the mid 1980’s the com­pa­ny decid­ed to expand into the bored pil­ing field and has now devel­oped this activ­i­ty to become the lead­ing pil­ing con­trac­tor in Ire­land.  Ini­tial­ly it con­cen­trat­ed on ODEX bored piles but lat­er expand­ed to include large diam­e­ter CFA pil­ing and end-dri­ven steel lined piles.

From 1990 onwards pil­ing, soil nail­ing and anchor­ing work has pro­vid­ed the bulk of the company’s turnover.

In the late 1980’s it also expand­ed to the Unit­ed King­dom and suc­cess­ful­ly car­ried out numer­ous rock anchor­ing, soil nail­ing and grout­ing con­tracts.

The pil­ing fleet has been expand­ed to include 9 No. CFA rigs rang­ing in size from 45 tonnes to 85 tonnes with a capac­i­ty to install a 1.2 metre diam­e­ter CFA (or 1.5 metres rotary) pile up to 29 metres in one run.

Since incep­tion the com­pa­ny has com­plet­ed the fol­low­ing sum­ma­ry of works:

Over 2,000 mason­ry bridges repaired

Over 2,000 hous­es etc. under­pinned

Over 50 miles of quay, riv­er and canal walls reme­di­at­ed or rebuilt

Tens of thou­sands of rock/ground anchors plus soil nails

Tens of thou­sands of piles includ­ing over 280 No. Embed­ded Piled Retain­ing Walls

Ancil­lary activ­i­ties would include ground sta­bil­i­sa­tion using chem­i­cal and cemen­ti­tious grouts, con­crete repairs to bridges, rein­forced con­crete struc­tures and marine struc­tures, exten­sive under­wa­ter repairs to piers and jet­ties and oth­er spe­cial­ist works.

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor: Greg Edwards.